Takda mood nak update blog. Just a very very quick update
I am in a shopping mood baby.
Betul orang cakap, shopping is one of the good therapy.
Today, I spend almost two hundreds. yana jangan ikut perangai syaitoon pelish!
I have a lot of things to update with u alls!
Hurm.. lemme see.. by this weekend I will catch up with u guys okay!
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Ai bizi ok.. Lalalala |
before that, from now on, Tuesday is my English day. Not you.
So, apew Englishew dayew itew??
Well, every Tuesday I will write in ENGLISH. Ala macam kat sekolah dulu la. Kan ada satu hari kita kena cakap English, jumpa cikgu, cakap ngan kawan-kawan, ngan cleaner semua sampai tersembur mouth water nak cakap. Ada orang terus jadi pendiam masa english day tu. Senyap sunyi. Sama la macam my English day ni. but the different is I will write in English. Fully English ok! not the rojak-rojak one.
Ini semua pengaruh OhMyInglish itew. But it's a good thing right? Mana la tau, kalau buat macam ni my Ingelish will getting better and better and boleh pegi kerja kat UK pastu cakap orang putih berabuk berasap. (ok stop berangan yana). Ok let see sampai bila I boleh buat azam baru I ni..
Till then, c ya! Muahks! XOXOXO
English Lesson with Jozan. I loike! (: