after finished our paper. i follow dayah n wanie to town. guess wat. we wached bohsia.jgn pilih jalan hitam. well. not bad. 4 stars for shamsul yusuf! wink2
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hang out
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
place: sultan badlishah library uitm kedah
weather: raining
mood: sleepy,cold..ngantoknyer...hungry..
nak pegi dining..hujan..
my aurora sayang is far2 away..haha..
stud week
location: library for hot macho guys at uitm.(ade ke?ahah)
juz read someone's blog today..
really don't know who she is..
shes really a cute gurl..
same age wif me..
but already passed away..
i almost cry when i read her blog..
shes suffer from lung cancer..
so sad isn't it??
eventhough i didn't know who she is..
i know she is a good girl..
rest in peace girl..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
new hair
i woke up at 4.00pm
early rite?
then me,alin,and wan going to CS..
reason:Alin wants to withdraw $$$
and company wan cut his hair..
then i pon join skali..siap wat rebonding lagi..
(at the saloon)
yana: alin,muke org tu mcm simon lah...
alin: yela yana.. sebijik cam simon oiam.
yana: memang simon la babe..
alin: kau biar betul yana..
yana: betulla.. simon tu org sg petani.. tak caye nnti kite tgk
after that guy left the saloon, everyone chatting about OIAM..
YEAH..ITS HIM..lalala..his voice are very good actually.. but i prefer TOMOK..haha..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
1st interview
last monday i got a call from uitm s.alam
i wear cute purple baju kurung.,free hair.
2 interviewer from uitm s.alam there.
1st: writing test[briefly describe youself and why you choose the particular programme-250 words]
2nd: oral interview [same question they ask]
mood: nervous, happy, scary...
i'm the 11th person to be interview.
thank god the session going smooth..
doakan i dapat ye.. =)
Monday, April 13, 2009
whaT a bad day...
our biz plan presentation sucksss
the panels sucks
our GM sucks (gila kuasa)
thank you..
Friday, April 10, 2009
final gathering DIM6C
actually we are planning to go to Pantai Merdeka.
but its raining for the whole day..cancelled.
we decided to go to salwa's house at kuala muda.
yes.tsunami's place.scary rite.
we lepak at her house until evening..
raining stop.going to pantai merdeka.yeay!
pantai merdeka..dirty rite?