Thursday, April 16, 2009

new hair

what a bored day...

i woke up at 4.00pm

early rite?

then me,alin,and wan going to CS..

reason:Alin wants to withdraw $$$

and company wan cut his hair..

then i pon join skali..siap wat rebonding lagi..

my new penyapu hair

(at the saloon)

yana: alin,muke org tu mcm simon lah...

alin: yela yana.. sebijik cam simon oiam.

yana: memang simon la babe..

alin: kau biar betul yana..

yana: betulla.. simon tu org sg petani.. tak caye nnti kite tgk

after that guy left the saloon, everyone chatting about OIAM..

YEAH..ITS HIM..lalala..his voice are very good actually.. but i prefer TOMOK..haha..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

xlawa pun..hehe
tomey jer tau...;)