"Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna dieYou've gotta get up and try, and try, and try"
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
3kg in 7 days. not bad Yana
13 Ramadhan dah. Cepatnyaaaaaa
Ok ok
Today I wanna update my weight loss program. Petang tadi pergi menimbang dekat club.
Nervous sangat ok. Sebab I dah waste 2 weeks program ni. Tak jaga makan.
So minggu lepas I diet kaw kaw disertai workout yang kaw kaw.
Guess whatttttt
I loss 3kg hockayyy.. and yang turun semua body fat. Alhamdulillah..
Berbaloi tak makan nasi ayam yang sedap mak masak semalam
Betul orang cakap. "You are what you eat."
This week is gonna be the last week to lose weight because the finale is on this 27 July.
So kena ada extra effort sikit la kan. Eh padan lah muka sape suruh menlantak tak hengat 2 minggu lepas kan..
Kalau tak menang challenge ni pon, I puas hati sebab I managed to lose weight. (: think positive.
Wish me luck guys! (:
13 Ramadhan dah. Cepatnyaaaaaa
Ok ok
Today I wanna update my weight loss program. Petang tadi pergi menimbang dekat club.
Nervous sangat ok. Sebab I dah waste 2 weeks program ni. Tak jaga makan.
So minggu lepas I diet kaw kaw disertai workout yang kaw kaw.
Guess whatttttt
I loss 3kg hockayyy.. and yang turun semua body fat. Alhamdulillah..
Berbaloi tak makan nasi ayam yang sedap mak masak semalam
Betul orang cakap. "You are what you eat."
This week is gonna be the last week to lose weight because the finale is on this 27 July.
So kena ada extra effort sikit la kan. Eh padan lah muka sape suruh menlantak tak hengat 2 minggu lepas kan..
Kalau tak menang challenge ni pon, I puas hati sebab I managed to lose weight. (: think positive.
Wish me luck guys! (:
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Saiko diri sendiri (: |
Friday, July 19, 2013
Then, Now, Future
Oh hello there.
Tadi tengah layan hindustan. Nautanki Saala! Best jugak cerita ni. Tapi aku perasan Bollywood movies zaman sekarang dah macam Hollywood. Most of them 21 tahun ke atas je boleh tengok. Macam kurang best sikit kan.?
Tengah tengok movie tadi tiba tiba dapat hidayah nak update blog.
Actually nothing to update pun. Just wanna share with you about my stories.
Ok sambung balik, time ni, kita sangat happy dengan hidup kita. Biasa lah kan, bila happy sinonimnya makan la kan. Bila tengok cermin, bermonolong dengan diri "sendiri takpe aku gemok, tapi aku kan comel cangat". haaa gitcheww think positive sangat kan? Sampai tak perasan aku dah jadi penternak lemak yang berjaya.
Pada awal February 2012, suatu incident telah berlaku. Very tragic uols. Incident apa tu biarlah aku, family, dengan kawan kawan aku jela yang tau kan. Takkan nak cerita semua dekat sini kan. It affected my life. sangat sangat ok. sangat!
The next day, I have decided to call my friend, Akira. Tu yang sebelah aku kat atas tu. That time he worked at Celebrity Fitness The Mines. Aku cakap nak register gym. Nak kurus! Thanks to him. Kalau aku takde kawan, memang tak lah nak register gym bagai.
I started working out on March 2012. Hari hari balik kerja pergi gym sebab tak boleh balik rumah. Nanti menangis. Hahaha. Ni serious ok. Aku menangis mengadu problem kat kawan aku ni sambil kayuh basikal dekat gym. Ni tak tipu ok. Tak percaya tanya Akira sendiri. Staff dekat CF pon dah kenal aku rasanya, mana staff baru, staff lama semua aku boleh cam. Hebat tak? hahaha
Ada duit sikit, aku hired personal trainer. Jed nama diberi. She trained me like hell man! Tapi result sangat berpuas hati. I loss around 25kg in 6 or 7 months if I'm not mistaken. Gila tak happy? Besides that, of course la aku join workout class, main machine semua tu jugak.
I transformed. Macam transformers. From left to right. I am happy. I can't believe that I've changed.
Walaupun tak sampai lagi target weight, I'm happy. Speechless. Touched. *tears*
Bila tengok balik gambar lama. Rasa nak menangis. I can't believe that was me.
Fat, low self esteem, weak! Now I'm stronger than yesterday. Now it’s nothing but my way, My lonliness ain’t killing me no more I’m stronger. ok over.
But my journey will not end here. I need to shed few more kilos. Aku ada bagitau korang yang aku join Herbalife weight loss challenge kan? I've made my mind, kalau tak menang pon, I don't mind. I will still continue until I reach my target weight.
To all my friends, readers, and not forgetting to the stalkers too. Please please pray for me. Doakan saya berjaya. Aminnnn
Hurm.. I wonder how future Yana is gonna look like.Ok nak berangan jap. Eh tak. Nak sambung layan hindustang la.
Selamat berpuasa korang jangan lupa sahur (:
Good Nite (:
Tadi tengah layan hindustan. Nautanki Saala! Best jugak cerita ni. Tapi aku perasan Bollywood movies zaman sekarang dah macam Hollywood. Most of them 21 tahun ke atas je boleh tengok. Macam kurang best sikit kan.?
Tengah tengok movie tadi tiba tiba dapat hidayah nak update blog.
Actually nothing to update pun. Just wanna share with you about my stories.
Mesti you guys tertanya tanya siapa ni kan? That was me. Sebelah kiri tahun 2010 and kanan 2012. Yes I'm a Simple Plan's die hard fan. Yes. I was fat. Time ini tengah happy uols, gemok pon tak kisah.
Harini rasa nak cerita pasal diri sendiri pulak. I gotta feeling that this entry is gonna be super duper longgggggg. Eh taknak baca sudah lah. Ade ai kisah? Ok sambung balik, time ni, kita sangat happy dengan hidup kita. Biasa lah kan, bila happy sinonimnya makan la kan. Bila tengok cermin, bermonolong dengan diri "sendiri takpe aku gemok, tapi aku kan comel cangat". haaa gitcheww think positive sangat kan? Sampai tak perasan aku dah jadi penternak lemak yang berjaya.
Pada awal February 2012, suatu incident telah berlaku. Very tragic uols. Incident apa tu biarlah aku, family, dengan kawan kawan aku jela yang tau kan. Takkan nak cerita semua dekat sini kan. It affected my life. sangat sangat ok. sangat!
The next day, I have decided to call my friend, Akira. Tu yang sebelah aku kat atas tu. That time he worked at Celebrity Fitness The Mines. Aku cakap nak register gym. Nak kurus! Thanks to him. Kalau aku takde kawan, memang tak lah nak register gym bagai.
I started working out on March 2012. Hari hari balik kerja pergi gym sebab tak boleh balik rumah. Nanti menangis. Hahaha. Ni serious ok. Aku menangis mengadu problem kat kawan aku ni sambil kayuh basikal dekat gym. Ni tak tipu ok. Tak percaya tanya Akira sendiri. Staff dekat CF pon dah kenal aku rasanya, mana staff baru, staff lama semua aku boleh cam. Hebat tak? hahaha
Ada duit sikit, aku hired personal trainer. Jed nama diberi. She trained me like hell man! Tapi result sangat berpuas hati. I loss around 25kg in 6 or 7 months if I'm not mistaken. Gila tak happy? Besides that, of course la aku join workout class, main machine semua tu jugak.
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Pipi maintain tembam. Aset saya kot (: |
Walaupun tak sampai lagi target weight, I'm happy. Speechless. Touched. *tears*
Bila tengok balik gambar lama. Rasa nak menangis. I can't believe that was me.
Fat, low self esteem, weak! Now I'm stronger than yesterday. Now it’s nothing but my way, My lonliness ain’t killing me no more I’m stronger. ok over.
But my journey will not end here. I need to shed few more kilos. Aku ada bagitau korang yang aku join Herbalife weight loss challenge kan? I've made my mind, kalau tak menang pon, I don't mind. I will still continue until I reach my target weight.
To all my friends, readers, and not forgetting to the stalkers too. Please please pray for me. Doakan saya berjaya. Aminnnn
Hurm.. I wonder how future Yana is gonna look like.Ok nak berangan jap. Eh tak. Nak sambung layan hindustang la.
Selamat berpuasa korang jangan lupa sahur (:
Good Nite (:
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
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