As you can see above, yes. I'm on Herbalife diet now.
Today is my first day consuming these products. Mesti ada yang tanya kenapa tiba tiba nak try Herbalife kan? *Sambil sedut-sedut herbalife tea mix* ye saya kena minum banyak air.
Dah. back to the story, actually i am one of the silent reader this blog. Her name is Sara Fadzil. At first macam biasa je baca macam tu je la kan. She always update her progress with Herbalife products. The weight loss, skin progress, and so on. Ok time ni memang dah terpengaruh. Tapi kuatkan semangat sikit sambil cakap dengan diri sendiri sabar yana sabar.
Then suddenly I saw my mak bought Herbalife shake from her colleague kat office. Dia cakap nak try sebab kawan dia lose weight. Mula mula I buat bodoh je la. Berlakon macam tak eksaited sikit pon dengan muka berlagak lagi angkuh. Then, one day I curik curik rasa mak's shake. She bought the Tropical Fruit flavor. Masa first rasa, kind of nyummeh. lagi sedap dari protein powder yang selalu I minum dulu. Ok hari hari aku curik minum Herbalife mak pastu dia perasan cepat je susut pastu dia sorok shake dia tu. ok fine ok fine aku cakap. Kedek ngan anak kandung sendiri. ok fine!
Sejak tu la I buat research pasal Herbalife ni. Tengok all the reviews, feedbacks and so on. Lama ok buat research. Almost 2 months jugaklah buat research and think and think and bermonolog "patut kew sayew membelinyew untuk cantik dan kurus sepertiw Santana Lopez dalam ceritew Glee itew" -
haa panjang tak monolog kitew. Think cook cook yana. cook cook!
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Gila mantap si Santana ni. |
Last week I have decided to contact Sara Fadzil to help me lose weight. Right after I went back from Perhentian vacation with the ex classmates (which i will update on this later), I met her. Eh semalam la jumpa dia. I went to her house at Putrajaya. Kebetulan Mar pon duduk sana, ajak dia teman sekali. Nervous la first time kan. hihihi.
First buat weight evaluation tu semua. Check berapa body fat, mass muscles, BMR, and so on. So far tak terkejut sangat dengan procedures ni semua sebab dah biasa buat dengan my personal trainer masa kat Celebrity Fitness dulu. (I miss CF *nanges*)
After that, Sara bagi weols rasa shake Herbalife ni. Strawberry and Choc flavors. Sedap. Macam ice cream rasa dia. Mar habiskan yang Strawberry. eh sape nak kurus ni. *Confuse kejap* Then she offered me to join Herbalife weight loss challenge. Starts on 29 June 2013. Pastu Mar influence suruh join. Ok I terpengaruh, terus join tanpa berfikir panjang.Kalau menang dapat RM750 wa cakap lu der.
Sepanjang program tu nanti, she will be my wellness coach. She said no worries because she will help me to lose weight. Actually I really need someone to push me sebab dulu masa kat CF i ada Jed nak push I pantau diet I semua. Then after dah tukar gym ni, I macam workout pon kadang kadang. Makan pon macam tak terjaga semua. Hari hari nak cheat day kot. Tak perasan berat pon dah naik sikit. ok tipu. banyak sikit.
So I really hope I can lose 10kg before Raya. To all my friends, wish me luck ok. I will try to update my weight loss journey with Herbalife products. Tak dapat update daily, update weekly pon boleh. *sedut-sedut tea mix lagi*
I akan bagitau which products yang I ambil dekat entry seterusnya. Ni baru mukaddimah je uols.
Ok nak update la ni.
Tunggu tau. okbai!
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